The LinkRunner AT Network Auto-Tester is the quickest and most complete copper and fiber cable network connectivity tester. This rugged, handheld network connectivity tester speeds troubleshooting and reporting with a comprehensive one-button AutoTest and zero-touch Link-Live cloud reporting. The LinkRunner AT Network Auto-Tester performs your required set of network connectivity tests in 10 seconds, enabling you to quickly and accurately identify and solve network connectivity problems. Cloud reporting automatically uploads network connectivity test results to the Link-Live Cloud Service for reporting and project management.
This network connectivity tester's key features include multiple user-configured AutoTests, cable length measurement, cable fault location and fault type, TruePower Power over Ethernet (PoE) tester, Ethernet speed and duplex verification at 10/100/Gigabit rates, fiber cable tester, twisted pair and fiber optic link testing, nearest switch identification, DHCP, DNS and Gateway connectivity tests, and Ping and TCP port connectivity tests to up to 10 user-selected targets. The network connectivity test results are saved on the network tester or automatically uploaded to the Link-Live Cloud Service with zero-touch. Manage network connectivity test results, projects and staff using the Link-Live Cloud Service. The LinkRunner AT Network Auto-Tester 2000 can also serve as a packet reflector at rates up to 1 Gbps.
- Portable troubleshooting device for analyzing and testing Ethernet networks over copper and fiber optic cable infrastructure
- Stores and performs automated connectivity tests to help identify and analyze network problems
- Analyzes copper or fiber cabling infrastructure, verifies connections at 10M/100M/1G, validates power over Ethernet (PoE) performance, and discovers VLAN ports and switches to help identify potential issues
- Measures the availability and responsiveness of network services, including DHCP and DNS, to diagnose and solve complex issues
- Includes the IntelliTone Pro 200 probe for detecting IntelliTone digital signals and 500 to 1,200 Hz analog signals to locate, trace, and isolate copper cabling