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Sonicwall Nsa 2650 Network Security/Firewall Appliance


Condition: New

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Vendor: SonicWall SKU: FFR-9B0E6-003K-00204
Sonicwall Nsa 2650 Network Security/Firewall Appliance

The SonicWall Network Security Appliance (NSA) series provides mid-sized networks, branch offices and distributed enterprises with advanced threat prevention in a high-performance security platform. Combining next-generation firewall technology with our patented Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspection (RFDPI) engine on a multi-core architecture, the NSA series offers the security, performance and control organizations require.

NSA series next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) integrate advanced security technologies to deliver superior threat prevention. Our patented single- pass RFDPI threat prevention engine examines every byte of every packet, inspecting both inbound and outbound traffic simultaneously. The NSA series leverages on-box capabilities including intrusion prevention, anti-malware and web/URL filtering in addition to cloud- based SonicWall Capture multi-engine sandboxing service to block zero-day threats at the gateway. Unlike other security products that cannot inspect large files for hidden threats, NSA firewalls scan files of any size across all ports and protocols. The security architecture in SonicWall NGFWs has been validated as one of the industrys best for security effectiveness by NSS Labs for five consecutive years.

Further, SonicWall NGFWs provide complete protection by performing full decryption and inspection of TLS/SSL and SSH encrypted connections as well as non-proxyable applications regardless of transport or protocol. The firewall looks deep inside every packet (the header and data) searching for protocol non-compliance, threats, zero-days, intrusions, and even defined criteria to detect and prevent hidden attacks that leverage cryptography, block encrypted malware downloads, cease the spread of infections, and thwart command and control (C&C) communications and data exfiltration. Inclusion and exclusion rules allow total control to customize which traffic is subjected to decryption and inspection based on specific organizational compliance and/or legal requirements

  • Next-generation firewall security
  • Multi-core architecture
  • Deep packet inspection technology
  • Lowered complexity and cost

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